QuickBooks vs Freshbooks: Which Accounting Software is Better for Freelancers

August 17, 2021

QuickBooks vs Freshbooks

To be or not to be? That is the question. Wait, wrong reference. But we're here to answer a question that many freelancers ask themselves: QuickBooks or Freshbooks?

Accounting software is an essential tool for any freelancer. It helps keep track of income, expenses, and taxes. But which one should you choose? Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of each software to help you decide.


QuickBooks is a well-established accounting software that offers both desktop and cloud-based solutions. QuickBooks offers four pricing plans, ranging from $25 to $150 per month. Each plan offers different features, with the more expensive plans providing additional functionality.


  • QuickBooks is a widely used and trusted accounting software.
  • It offers a wide range of features, including invoicing, tracking expenses, and tracking income.
  • QuickBooks offers both a desktop and cloud-based solution, allowing you to choose the best option for your needs.
  • Integration with other software tools such as Shopify and PayPal.


  • Some users have reported difficulties with the user interface.
  • The pricing for QuickBooks can be more expensive compared to other accounting software.


Freshbooks is a cloud-based accounting software designed specifically for freelancers and small business owners. Freshbooks offers three pricing plans, ranging from $15 to $50 per month.


  • Freshbooks has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
  • It offers a streamlined solution that focuses on the needs of freelancers and small business owners.
  • Freshbooks offers a time tracking feature that allows you to bill clients for your time.
  • Freshbooks offers payment processing through Stripe.


  • Freshbooks has a limited range of features compared to QuickBooks.
  • It is designed specifically for freelancers, which may not work for larger businesses.


Feature QuickBooks Freshbooks
Pricing $25 - $150 per month $15 - $50 per month
Ease of use Some users report difficulties User-friendly interface
Range of features Extensive Limited
Payment processing Multiple options Stripe only
Time tracking Available Available

As you can see, both QuickBooks and Freshbooks have their pros and cons. The decision ultimately depends on your individual needs as a freelancer. QuickBooks offers an extensive range of features, but it can be more expensive. Freshbooks offers a streamlined solution designed specifically for freelancers, but it has a limited range of features.

In conclusion, we cannot definitively say which accounting software is better for freelancers. It all depends on your preferences and needs. However, we hope this comparison has helped you make a more informed decision.


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